LoopEd Conference

Our annual LoopEd Conference provides an opportunity for more than 800 teachers from member schools across our region to gather for a day of professional development.

If you are looking for resources from the 2024 LoopEd Conference, please check our Resources page, or click the direct link further down on this page.

Recent past keynote speakers at LoopEd Conferences have included Dr Michelle Dickinson (Nanogirl), Karen Spencer (Te Poutāhū, Ministry of Education), Andrew Becroft (Children’s Commissioner), Derek Wenmoth (CORE Education), Anton Blank (Oranui, child advocate), Ann Milne (Colouring in the White Spaces) and Nicola Ngarewa (Principal, Spotswood College).
As a ‘conference of the people’, every year the event offers more than ninety topical breakout sessions led by practitioners from our member schools, supported by challenging and thought provoking keynote addresses at plenary sessions, and guest speakers at optional spotlight sessions.

Interested in presenting a session at our next conference?
Early in Term 1, we gather expressions of interest from teachers who are keen to present a breakout session at our  conference. We do this by working with the Professional Learning Co-ordinators in our member schools. If you are interested in presenting, get in touch with your school's Professional Learning Co-ordinator, or email our Loop Operations Manager direct: jess@wellingtonloop.net.nz

Conference registration for delegates

Conference registrations open around the start of May each year. Teachers in Loop schools will receive a registration link via their school's Professional Learning Co-ordinator.

We look forward to seeing you all next year.