Understanding and Supporting Students with ADHD - Shannon Hennig

Fri 12 August, 7.30am - 9.00am


You are warmly invited to join the Loop and Shannon Hennig for an Online Loop Breakfast session that will focus on providing teachers with practical ways to support students with ADHD.   This stand-alone workshop is part of a series of Loop Breakfasts designed to help teachers support students with diverse learning needs.  

About Shannon Hennig:

Shannon is a Speech-language Therapist who specialises in neurodiversity including autism and ADHD.  She is known for her practical workshops that help explain the “why” behind student experiences while also sharing concrete ways to support students academically and socially in the school context.

Session content:

Shannon will be speaking about executive functioning skills and communication. She will focus on ADHD and the challenges many students experience, however the content will also apply to many other students. Topics will include ways to adjust instruction and school tasks to be more universally accessible to all learners. We hope you will leave the session with deeper understanding and with practical ideas you can immediately apply in your own context.


Please register to attend by completing this form:  Registration form - Loop Breakfast, Fri 12 August

Attending this workshop is free of charge for the staff of Loop schools.